Getting Your Windshield Replaced? 5 Tips for Taking Care of Your New Windshield

If your windshield has some severe damage to it, you are going to want to replace your windshield. A damaged windshield is not going to offer you the protection you need. Once you get your windshield replaced, you will need to make sure you take care of your brand-new windshield properly so that the windshield will safely settle into place.

Tip #1: Wait to Wash

When you get a new windshield installed, the last place you should head is through a car wash. Give your vehicle a few days before you take it through a car wash or wash it by hand. The pressure of the water can interfere with the windshield sealing properly and the molding staying in place. 

If you are worried about your car's cleanliness, clean it before you get the windshield replaced. 

Tip #2: Avoid Air Pressure

Air pressure builds up inside of your car whenever the windows are all closed. During normal conditions, that air pressure is nothing to worry about. However, when you have a new windshield installed, that air pressure can be damaging. That is why you are going to want to crack one or two windows in your car at least a quarter of an inch, even when parked, in the days immediately following the installation of your new windshield. This will help equalize the pressure in your vehicle and help protect the new glass.

Tip #3: Keep the Retention Tape in Place

Next, retention tape will be placed around the molding of your windshield. The retention tape will help keep everything in the right place as the windshield is curing. Keep the retention tape in place for approximately two days following the installation of your new window. The retention tape will help keep things in the right place and ensure your windshield cures correctly. 

Tip #4: Don't Slam the Doors

Slamming the doors on your vehicle may not seem like that big of a deal; however, slamming the doors will send vibrations throughout your vehicle, including the new windshield, that could interfere with the curing process. Close the door as gently as you possibly can.

Tip #5: Take a Smooth Route

Finally, you will want to drive a smooth route for the new few days to minimize vibrations, which will help keep the glass in place and cure correctly. Avoid rough roads if possible. When parking, park in the shade. 

When you get a new windshield replacement, you will want to take things easy on your car so that everything cures properly and you don't have any leaks around your windshield. 
